Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pelvis Update

I know I usually use this blog simply to post pictures of the kids and update everyone as to what is new in their lives but I figured this would also be a good way to update everyone on the pelvis situation. I know there are a lot of people out there praying for me and I want you to know how grateful I am for that. Unfortunately, as expected, the pain continues to get a little worse each week but for now, it's still bearable. I have seen a doctor in Denver and my doctor here in Seattle and they both agree that my only option is surgery. With this said, they can't tell me why the first one didn't work or why the next one will work. Because of this, I have seen an endocrinologist who has taken some blood, a urine sample and a bone scan to determine if there is something going on that is causing my body not to heal. I will get the results from him on June 13th. I also got some great news last week and found out that I'll be seen at the Mayo Clinic on June 29th. I'm going there to just make sure I truly don't have another option before I make my decision. That's all I know right now. I will continue to update this blog with any new information. I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of finally arrived in Seattle today!!

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