Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas Day we woke up to see what Santa had delivered (I didn't get any pictures :(), went to Church and then headed to Aunt Kate and Uncle Pete's for the Carr Christmas celebration. The annual football game was held and thankfully there were no immediate injuries to report (I think this is a first!). The other outstanding news is Megan won MVP of the game making her the first woman ever to win this title! Wow how the Carr family has evolved!!!
JB and Mackenzie were the cheerleaders for the game.

The next generation of players made their debut this year.

This was our best attempt at a photo with all the little ones. The kids in the photo are all my cousins children. Yes that's right my Grandma has 20 great grandkids (not all of them were there) and 2 more on the way!

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