Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Playing in the Snow

The snow starting falling this morning and Jack couldn't wait to get outside and play. He got bundled up and out he went with Bailey. He would have stayed out there all day if it were up to him!

Mackenzie watching and wishing she could join Jack and Bay.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day we woke up to see what Santa had delivered (I didn't get any pictures :(), went to Church and then headed to Aunt Kate and Uncle Pete's for the Carr Christmas celebration. The annual football game was held and thankfully there were no immediate injuries to report (I think this is a first!). The other outstanding news is Megan won MVP of the game making her the first woman ever to win this title! Wow how the Carr family has evolved!!!
JB and Mackenzie were the cheerleaders for the game.

The next generation of players made their debut this year.

This was our best attempt at a photo with all the little ones. The kids in the photo are all my cousins children. Yes that's right my Grandma has 20 great grandkids (not all of them were there) and 2 more on the way!

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas this year in Denver. Mama Patti and Papa Danny once again put together a phenomenal Christmas Eve celebration. The food was fantastic and the company even better. It was great to have the time to catch up with the entire family!

Christmas Eve morning Jeanne and Blake came up to my parents house for a little Christmas visit. Blake has gotten so big and is now pulling himself up on everything. He also decided that Mackenzie was his new buddy. Maybe the Rutkowski and Carr family will be joined after all! :)
Mackenzie decided she liked opening presents!

This is the tree before the present opening began. The kids could hardly stand it so they opened a few gifts before the rest of the family arrived.

All the girls got Dancing Mikey from Mama Patti and Papa Danny. Turns out Jack and Charlie thought they were pretty cool too!

Charlie went shopping and picked out a present for Chris and Michelle.

I think she might be trouble later on!!

Sean's 2nd Birthday and Fun with the Cousins

While we were in Denver, Sean turned 2 (my cousin Monica's son). So we headed to Monkey Business to help celebrate. The kids, and a few of the adults, had a fantastic time playing on the toys and going down the slide countless times!
Aunt Michelle and Kenzie playing in the under 2 section.

Michelle and Charlie having a blast on the slide.

Colin's not too sure if he wanted his picture taken.

Lucie's favorite was the tractor.

Papa Danny decided Kenzie needed to try out the slide. She LOVED it!!

Mackenzie's 1st Birthday!

On December 4, we had a birthday party for Mackenzie. Mama Patti, Papa Danny and Uncle Pudge were in town to help celebrate along with neighborhood friends and the Champions. We decided on a Lady Bug theme and Mama Patti made this adorable cake and cupcakes! It was a fabulous celebration for our little girl!

Jack loved his cupcake and what the frosting did to his mouth. We weren't really thinking when we chose the frosting colors!

Not too sure about the cupcake.....

She decided she loved the cupcake and the frosting. I don't think there was any cake left when she was done with it!

JJ also enjoyed his cupcake while impersonating Mr. Potato Head!

Thanksgiving and Maui Fun

This year we headed to Maui for Thanksgiving and a little fun in the sun with the Champions! The weather was beautiful and we had a fabulous time. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip. Jack on the plane ride home. He slept for 3 1/2 hours, part of it in this position! I think he had fun in the sun!!

After Thanksgiving dinner.

These amazing Turkey's were made out of chocolate and were on the dessert buffet at Thanksgiving dinner.