Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jack's 3rd Birthday take Two!

Jack's actual birthday landed on a Saturday this year so Daddy was home when Jack got up. We decided to give him his birthday gift early so he could play with it during the day. He immediately took off his PJ's and put on his new Broncos outfit. He then proceeded to play football in the house for the remainder of the morning. Since it was his day, we let him pick what we were going to do for the day. So we ended up at McDonald's for lunch. He loves to play on the playground and was so excited to show Daddy his routine. The only thing he was missing was Lukie (his good buddie from the neighborhood).
Kenzie was enjoying her time with Mommy and Daddy sitting at the table finishing off Jack's nuggets and fries!

For dinner, Uncle Michael and Auntie Kara joined us for a celebration at Brunellos. Fernando and his children even sang Happy Birthday to him in Italian. He wasn't quite sure about the singing, but was very excited about the dessert! He loves their limoncello and asks for it every time we're there!

After dinner, we headed home for a little ice cream cake treat (the final sugar treat of the day!) I know I said it before, but I truly can't believe our little guy is 3. The years have flown by and he is developing into one of the sweetest and happiest little boys. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for our little man!!

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