Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Since we stayed in Denver for an extra week, we were able to head to the pumpkin patch with my parents, brothers, sisters and all the kiddos! The kids had a great time running through the pumpkins and each picked out one to take home. Here are some of my favorite pictures from a fun filled day.

This is the best picture I got of all the kiddos! 6 kids under 4....not the easiest picture to capture!!

Jack's best attempt to smile for the camera. He was too excited to sit for the camera.

Mackenzie had been sitting in the patch for awhile and she decided to see how the pumpkins taste!

Unfortunately this is the best picture of our family.

Jack was showing Colin around the patch. Over the three weeks we were in Denver they became good buddies!

The boys up to no good I'm sure!
Daddy cutting the pumpkin off the vine for Jack and Charlie.

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