Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jack's 2nd Bronco Game

Papa Danny was so gracious and took JB, Jack and I to a second Bronco game while we were in Denver. We were so excited to go the the Bronco vs. Raider game....unfortunately it ended up being a terrible game but we still had a great time.

Pumpkin Patch

Since we stayed in Denver for an extra week, we were able to head to the pumpkin patch with my parents, brothers, sisters and all the kiddos! The kids had a great time running through the pumpkins and each picked out one to take home. Here are some of my favorite pictures from a fun filled day.

This is the best picture I got of all the kiddos! 6 kids under 4....not the easiest picture to capture!!

Jack's best attempt to smile for the camera. He was too excited to sit for the camera.

Mackenzie had been sitting in the patch for awhile and she decided to see how the pumpkins taste!

Unfortunately this is the best picture of our family.

Jack was showing Colin around the patch. Over the three weeks we were in Denver they became good buddies!

The boys up to no good I'm sure!
Daddy cutting the pumpkin off the vine for Jack and Charlie.

Dessert Celebration!

For almost a year now, Jack has been going potty in the toliet but had refused to poop in the potty. Finally, on October 15 he pooped in the potty! We promised him a trip to Dairy Queen when he finally did it. It took us a couple of days to get there but it was worth the wait! It was his first blizzard ever and he truly enjoyed it!

Kenzie was just as excited!

Fire Station with Mama Patti

One of my childhood friends is now married to a firefighter in Broomfield. Her mom ran into my mom and volunteered to take Jack to the fire department for a visit. I unfortunately didn't make it but I heard all about it when they got home. The guys were fantastic and showed Jack all around the fire station, the fire trucks and the ambulances. He's now really ready to be a firefighter for Halloween!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jack's First Home Bronco Game

The Broncos were in town this past weekend so Papa Danny took Jack and I to the game. Uncle Chris, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Frank and Charlie also came to the game. The weather was beautiful and we couldn't have asked for a better day in October. Unfortunately, the Broncos didn't win but Jack had a great time cheering them on!

Soccer Time

Our nephew Charlie plays soccer every Saturday morning so we all went to his game last Saturday. Jack was in awe and is now begging to play soccer like his cousin! Charlie played great and even scored a goal.

Circus Time in Denver

Luckily the circus was still in town the first weekend we were in Denver so Papa Danny, Mama Patti, Jack, Mackenzie and I went on Saturday night. Jack was so excited (even though he didn't know what the circus was!!). We had told him about the elephants so that was all he cared about when we first got there. He quickly decided the clowns were his favorite but he also loved the elephants and the motorcycle guys. THere was so much going on Mackenzie even loved it and sat still for at least an hour!

If you look really hard at this picture you can see a clown in the dark. This was his favorite clown because he was sweeping!

Unfortunately this was the only picture I could get of the elephants.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Eitght Week Surgery Update

I am now 8 weeks out from surgery and things are progressing as they should be. At my 6 week check up, I was realeased to start walking with crutches. This has given me new found freedom! I can now leave the house, sleep in my own bed, take a shower everyday, and start therapy so I can get stronger and move towards walking on my own again. The last few weeks have been a little tough because I'm ready to be "normal" again but I know it's going to take time.

Mackenzie 9 month Photos

I can't believe our baby girl is already 9 months old (actually almost 10!!!). Here are the photos from her most recent photo shoot. She is truly one of the happiest babies I have ever seen and LOVES to get her picture taken.