Monday, September 27, 2010

Jack's First Day of School

I can't believe our little guy is already in school! Jack started preschool 2 weeks ago but here are a few pictures from his actual first day. He is going to Country Junction just down the street from our house on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I think he's loving it but he won't really tell us about what he does everyday. So far, I've been able to piece the day together based on what's on his clothes and hands. The one thing he will tell us is that he's made 2 new friends - Jacob and Levi!

Here's a video of his drive to school and JB dropping him off.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Surgery Update

I am now 3 weeks out from surgery and I am feeling pretty good. I went to the doctor on Tuesday for the first time since surgery and everything is going as good as it could right now. My pain level is decreasing and I'm awake a little more each day. I will be in the wheelchair and am not allowed to put any weight on my feet for another 3 weeks but he said there's a 90% chance that after the 3 weeks, I will be able to move onto crutches and a walker.

I want to thank my mom for everything she has done for us. We could not be doing this without her! I also want to thank Connie, John and Courtney for visiting and helping out with Jack. Lastly, thank you to all of our friends who have come to visit, brought dinners, and helped me get out of the house. I can't tell you how much it means to JB and I!! We are truly blessed.

My Big Night Out

Since having surgery 3 weeks ago, I had only left the house 1 time to go to the doctor. I was getting a little stir crazy so Jason and Jeremy came over and helped JB get me out of the house and down to the car. My mom and Liz took me out for a night on the town! We ended up at Red Robin for dinner so we could sit outside and then went to Target. It doesn't sound like much, but it was the BEST night! Thank you Mom and Elizabeth!!!

Mackenzie's first spaghetti

In the last 3 weeks Mackenzie has started to eat table food. We started off with the usual bananas, avacado, and peas. Since Mama Patti is staying with us, we had her make homemade spaghetti. So Mackenzie got to try it. I think the pictures say it all! Her first bite....
Not quite sure what she thinks about it yet.

Decided she loved it and even had seconds!!

Just like her mom she loves her pasta!!

Taking a little break to suck her thumb.

Story time

When I first came home from the hospital, Jack was very worried about me. Since I couldn't really do anything with him and he couldn't sit with me, he decided he would sit as close to me as he could. He carried his little chair over to my bedside and read me a book. It was the cutest and sweetest thing I have ever seen!

The picture turned out a little blurry but he was even showing me the pictures!

I think I may have dozed off for a minute....

Daddy and Jack's big day out

The day after I came home from the hospital, JB took Jack on an adventure. They ended up at the Woodland Park Zoo for a day of fun and animals. They got to see quite a few animals but as always, the monkeys and gorillas were Jack's favorites. He had such a great time with just Daddy and has been talking about it ever since!

Jack and Mackenzie

A few weeks ago, Mackenzie woke up from her nap and Jack decided he wanted to go in and see her. I was a few steps behind him and when I got to her room, he had decided to get in and snuggle with her! He's now decided it's the thing to do and does it every chance he gets!