Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer T-ball

Jack was so excited to be signed up for T-ball this summer. They started by having a 1 hour practice for 3 weeks and then played games for the remaining 5 weeks. He loves playing and is getting the hang of hitting and throwing the ball.

Jack was so excited to be signed up for T-ball this summer.  They started by having a 1 hour practice for 3 weeks and then played games for the remaining 5 weeks.  He loves playing and is getting the hang of hitting and throwing the ball.

Coen Daniel

Coen Daniel Champion surprised us all by arriving on July 29 at 6:36 am. He weighed 8.3 lbs and was 19.8 inches. Grandpa Danny, Grandma Patti, Grandpa John and Grandma Connie were all there to welcome him into this world and he had many visitors within his first couple of hours.

Mom and Coen

Uncle Michael and Aunt Kara with Coen

Luke and Ava holding Coen

Jason and Elizabeth with Coen

Steph brought Jack and Mackenzie up to the hospital to meet their little brother.  They were so excited to finally meet him!

Coen's first bath! He's a strong little guy, only a few hours old and could already hold his head up!