Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Day of School

Jack started Pre K at the beginning of September.  He was so excited for his first day! He picked out his own outfit and couldn't wait to wear his new school shoes.  He only has 2 kids from his class last year so he's busy making some new friends.  Once again he seems to be more interested in the girls then the boys.  His favorite kids are Georgia and Paige for now!

Kenzie had to get in the picture too even though it wasn't her first day.
Kenzie also started school at the beginning of September. She was so ready to go to school last year and of course now that it was her turn, she wasn't too sure about going. Thankfully Miss Leslie and Miss Krista are fantastic teachers and have helped her get comfortable in her classroom.  We still have a little issue at drop off everyday but I'm hoping that will get better soon!  The good news is she's always happy and very excited at pick up time.

Out front of her new classroom waiting to go in on her first day.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer T-ball

Jack was so excited to be signed up for T-ball this summer. They started by having a 1 hour practice for 3 weeks and then played games for the remaining 5 weeks. He loves playing and is getting the hang of hitting and throwing the ball.

Jack was so excited to be signed up for T-ball this summer.  They started by having a 1 hour practice for 3 weeks and then played games for the remaining 5 weeks.  He loves playing and is getting the hang of hitting and throwing the ball.

Coen Daniel

Coen Daniel Champion surprised us all by arriving on July 29 at 6:36 am. He weighed 8.3 lbs and was 19.8 inches. Grandpa Danny, Grandma Patti, Grandpa John and Grandma Connie were all there to welcome him into this world and he had many visitors within his first couple of hours.

Mom and Coen

Uncle Michael and Aunt Kara with Coen

Luke and Ava holding Coen

Jason and Elizabeth with Coen

Steph brought Jack and Mackenzie up to the hospital to meet their little brother.  They were so excited to finally meet him!

Coen's first bath! He's a strong little guy, only a few hours old and could already hold his head up!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

4th of July

For the second year in a row we were in Snoqualmie for the 4th of July. Pudge and Martha joined us along with their friends Brett and Jenna. We started the day with Pudge making everyone a big breakfast and then headed to the Snoqualmie Falls. In keeping with Carr tradition, we then headed to buy some fireworks and went out for lunch. We then had the privilege of spending the evening with the Gardiner and Kramer families. The kids had a great time riding bikes and playing at the park until the sun went down. We then headed to the Roses' house for a spectacular fireworks show. We had a fantastic day and night!!

Kenzie and Luke waiting for fireworks.

Mommy and Kenzie

We were so excited that Pudge, Martha, Brett and Jenna joined us for the festivities.

Jack having fun with sparklers.

Thanks Elizabeth for our annual family 4th of July picture!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

The blog is back......

So I know it's been awhile, 9 months in fact, but I'm really going to try and start posting on here again once a week.  The kids have been super busy and are getting so big! They are both anxiously awaiting the arrival of their baby brother.  He will be here no later then 9:30 on July 30!!

Summer has finally arrived in Seattle so we've been busy playing outside and taking advantage of the nice weather.  Here are some pictures from soccer, t-ball, and swim camp.

He loved soccer but unfortunately I didn't get very many good pictures.

Jack's first time at bat.  So far he looks like a natural!

Mackenzie taking a deep breath.