Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mackenzie 8 month photos

Mackenzie had her 8 month photo shoot today and here are a few of my favorites. I can't believe she's already 8 months old!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 7

I'm happy to report the playhouse is nearly done!!! JB and Papa John (with the help of Uncle Mike and Renee) made a ton of progress today. The playhouse is now totally functional. The slide is in and the climbing wall is complete. Jack loves it already and I know it is going to provide hours of fun!!

Seafair Weekend

Seafair weekend started off on Friday. JB, Jack and Papa John went out on the boat and watched the Blue Angels fly. Jack was so excited about the boat but was a little worried about the noise. Thankfully, Papa John brought headphones. He had such a great time but was a little upset he didn't get to watch boat races.
Saturday morning we picked up Uncle Michael and went down to enjoy the Seafair festivities. It was a little chilly and rainy but the kids loved it!

Jack's favorite part about the whole experience was watching the crane pick the planes up and put them into and take them out of the water. His favorite boat was the red one!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jack feeding Mackenzie

So tonight at dinner, I got up to get Jack's dinner going and left Mackenzie in her high chair with her food on the table. Next thing I know, I look over and Jack has decided to take over. I know I have said this a few times already on this blog but it was honestly the cutest thing I have ever seen! If you watch the video, he even does the "airplane" to try and get her to eat. We honestly couldn't ask for a better big brother for Mackenzie!!

Mackenzie's New Friend

Mackenzie has discovered Bailey and now that she's on the move (she scoots and rolls wherever she wants to go), she always wants to be right next to her! She is such a good dog, she doesn't flinch even when Kenzie tugs on her collar.