Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Animal Camp

Week 3 of summer camp is Animal Antics. The first day was a success! No crying and he seemed truly happy when he got to the car. The only problem was he wanted his face to be painted like a monkey and Ms. Nikki didn't know how to do it so he ended up with a tiger. He loved it though and cried when we wiped it off!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Long summer day

After a long day of watching Jack play in the backyard and rolling around on the floor, Mackenzie fell asleep in her bouncy chair! It was too cute!

Day 5 and 6

The playhouse is really coming along now. The walls are all complete and all that's left are the spindles across the front and to install the slide and climbing wall. JB has done a fantastic job!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 4 Playhouse Construction

Papa John came over to help with construction today and it's looking better and better everyday! Unfortunately, they didn't get as far as they wanted to, but one side of the wall is complete and all of the boards are cut and ready to be installed. So the rest of the project should go fairly quickly. We are hoping the slide will arrive on Friday and the playhouse will be complete next weekend!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 3 of Playhouse Construction

Thanks to Uncle Michael helping for a few hours and JB working ALL day on the playhouse, a ton of progress was made today!! The playhouse floor is now complete so all that's left is the walls and the rock wall. It is looking fantastic so far and I can't wait to see the completed project!

Bailey's New Best Friend

Since Mackenzie has started to eat real food, Bailey has decided she is her new best friend. Anytime she is in her highchair, Bailey is right by her side. She thinks it's hilarious when she takes the puffs right out of her hand!

So happy to be eating real food!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Camp Artwork

Week 2 of summer camp came to an end today. Jack was so excited to go today and didn't cry for the first time in 2 weeks!!! I'm hoping the excitement carries over to next week. Below are a few pictures of the artwork he did while at camp.
I hope his real driver's license picture turns out better then this one!

He loved being a pirate.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Camp Week 2 - Pirates and Mermaids

Week 2 of summer camp started out the same way week one did - tears and lots of them! Thankfully when I picked him up on Wednesday, Ms. Nikki said the tears were short lived and he was great the rest of the day. He cried again on Thursday but came home with this pirate hat and was so excited about pirate camp!! He actually said he wanted to go to camp tomorrow. Hopefully he'll still feel that way in the morning.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 2 Progress

A ton of progress was made on day 2 of construction on the play house. 7 posts are now set in the ground and the frame is built. It is definitely taking shape!! Stay tuned for more updates.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Playground Project

JB and I have been talking for awhile now about putting a playground in the backyard but couldn't figure out how to do it without taking up all of our grass. So we came up with the idea to put a play house up on the rock wall and have a slide coming out of it down the rocks. We couldn't find a place to buy exactly what we're looking for so JB decided to build it himself. The project started today. At the start of day one.
Jack is so excited about it he sat outside for hours just watching the guys work. He can't wait for it to be done!

End of day one. JB didn't get as far as he wanted to but they made good progress today.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Roads and Rails summer camp

Jack started his first summer camp today at Encompass. The camp is called Roads and Rails and they learn about trains and cars. He was so excited to bring his backpack to "school" with him and couldn't wait to get there. Unfortunately, he was a little upset when we got there and they took him out of the car. Hopefully tomorrow and Friday will be better!
Looking so grown up with is backpack on!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Making Corn in the Backyard.....

Today while I was feeding Mackenzie, Jack went into the pantry and found some Corn Starch. He decided he wanted to "make" some corn in the backyard. Part of me was very proud that he knew it had something to do with corn, the other part of me was not so excited about the mess especially when I saw Bailey!!

Ironic the can says no mess on it! I beg to differ.....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fishing Derby

On July 3, Grandpa Danny signed Jack and Charlie up for a fishing derby. The boys were so excited and had talked about catching fish all week. Unfortunately, they didn't catch anything but they had a great time trying. It was so fantastic to watch Papa Danny helping the boys and brought back so many memories of our fishing trips with Gramps! I think we have found a new July 3 tradition!

Movie Time

Grandpa snuck out of work early so we went to see Toy Story 3. Jack was so excited to get his very own popcorn and drink to watch the new Buzz Lightyear!

Squirt Gun Fight

In order to cool off from the Denver heat, Jack and Charlie decided to have a squirt gun fight. At first they were just shooting each other but very quickly, Grandma and I got in on the fun! The boys planning their sneak attack on Grandma and I.

Mackenzie enjoying the shade. She did get in on the fun when the boys decided she needed to cool off too. She loved it until they got her in the face!