Friday, June 25, 2010

Swimming time

It was 90 degrees in Denver yesterday so we decided to try out the pool. Grandma, Mike, Colin, Kaitlyn, Debbi, Mary Kate, Sean and Martha joined us for the fun in the sun. The kids absolutely loved the water and it was nice to get a little relief from the heat! I think we will be spending a lot more time at the pool while we're here!

All she needed was a fruity beverage!

Kaitlyn and Colin taking a little break from the pool in the shade.

Sean cruising around the pool. He was so tired at the end, it looked like he was going to fall asleep in the duck.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Charlie's 4th Birthday!

Charlie got to pick where he wanted to go for his birthday dinner. He decided on a place called Benchwarmers. As you might have guessed, the workers were a little suprised to hear it was Charlie's birthday and not one of the adults! Too bad Uncle JB wasn't there to enjoy the view.....I mean dinner!

Charlie and Jack have been great buddy's this trip! They even shared Charlie's birthday treat!

Earlier in the weekend, we went to Chuck E Cheese to start of the birthday celebration. Jack has never been and was instantly in heaven. He didn't even want to stop to eat pizza and birthday cupcakes!

Jack really wanted to help his little cousin Kaitlyn out on the school bus. They were having a fabulous time together. Jack was happy to finally be the older one for once!

Wack a mole midget sized!

Airplane Ride to Denver

JB and I were both a little nervous about the plane ride to Denver but both of the kids did great. Mackenzie was so happy the whole time and Jack actually watched a little bit of a movie. The rest of the time, he kept busy playing with Daddy and looking out the window.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Fixing Bailey...

I don't have any pictures of this but it has to be shared. Jack has overheard JB and I talking about Bailey not feeling well lately. So yesterday morning, after taking a shower, he disappeard. A few minutes later, he came up the stairs, still naked, with his doctor kit in his hand. He called Bailey into JB's closet and shut the door behind them. Next thing I hear is Jack saying "It's okay Bailey. I'm going to fix you!" It was the cutest thing I have ever heard!!

Bike Rodeo

Kristine came out last Saturday and spent the afternoon and night with us. Thankfully she was there to help me out with the kiddos since Daddy was out of town. It made it so we could all go to the bike rodeo. It was such a beautiful day and Jack was so excited to ride his bike and get his bike helmet.
Not too sure of the helmet at first but was excited that a policeman was fitting it for him. He now wants to wear it even when he's in the car so he's "safe"!!
He was so proud of his turtle tatoo....was equally pissed off when it washed off the next day!

Fun in the sun

The sun finally made an appearance last weekend and even though daddy was out of town, we headed to the park. Jack was instantly happy just being outside! His new thing is to go down the slide on his tummy! He must have gone down the slide 25 times! Luckily it wore him out and he slept great that night.

Mackenzie was having a great time in the stroller. She decided the water bottle was a great toy and was desperately trying to get it in her mouth.

Just before we left the park, Jack decided Mackenzie needed to go on the slide with him. She was a little terrified at first, but loved it!!

Monday, June 14, 2010


Mackenzie is definitely a second child. I realized last week that Mackenzie would be 6 months old on Monday and we haven't started feeding her food yet (Jack started at 4 months!). So we decided to bust out the food. We started with pears. At first she didn't know what to think but after a few bites, she was in love and proceeded to eat half the jar!

Mackenie is sitting up

Mackenzie is sitting up! She only makes it for a couple of minutes before tumbling over but loves to be finally upright. Jack loves it too! I can't wait to see them actually play together.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Christina's baby shower

Today was Christina's baby shower for little Hayden. Here are some pictures of the food. I unfortunately got side track hosting and forgot to take any pictures of the group!
I decided to get a little creative and made cupcakes that looked like babies in blankets. I have to say for my first time, they turned out pretty cute!

Alvin is back!!

Last summer we had 2 chipmunks in our backyard that would come out everyday while we ate breakfast and lunch. Jack LOVED them and asked about them frequently. We hadn't seen them in a long time so we figured htey had met their demise. Last week Jack spotted "Alvin" in the backyard again. His favorite thing to do now is go up on the rock wall and put nuts out for him.
Unfortunately we haven't seen Alvin's buddy but he has been coming around daily which makes Jack very happy!! I was even able to snap a few pictures of him eating the nuts. Jack is now convinced that he must feed him everyday!