Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Papa John!

Tonight we went to dinner to celebrate Papa John's birthday. Jack was so excited he ran into the restaurant and right onto Papa's lap. We won't say how old Papa is this year, but let's just say next year will be a BIG celebration!

Mackenzie wanted to get in on the action too!

Since it was a special occasion, Mackenzie got to try pineapple sorbet for the first time. She loved it!! I think it's time to start eating more than just formula.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mackenzie's New Trick

Mackenzie rolled over for the first time on her own today! She went from her back to her stomach while playing in her gym. She scared herself a little at first and then she decided she liked being on her stomach. I'm pretty sure it's just a matter of time before she will be on the move!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New toys and projects

Jack has a new project this spring...he planted strawberries, tomatoes and jalapenos on the front deck. He is very worried about them and makes sure he waters them everyday even if it's rained all day! We're just praying for a little sunshine and hoping they survive all his loving care!

Mackenzie is finally big enough to play in her bouncy chair and she absolutely loves it! Her favorite is when Jack helps her jump so she can go higher. This results in belly laughs from both of them which is music to my ears! I can't believe how big she is getting...the first 5 months sure flew by!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So the day has finally come....the Champion Family has a blog!! I have been talking about doing this forever but I haven't had the time to sit down and start it. Today both the kids are actually napping at the same time so I decided today was the day. I am hoping this will be a great way to let our family and friends know what's going on with our family. I am hoping to update it weekly but you may have to be patient at the beginning. Hope you all enjoy!